Deutsche TV-Plattform

WG Ultra HD

Stefan Kunz
Stefan Kunz, Head of WG Ultra HD

Since the sale of the first UHD TVs, the Ultra HD working group has been actively shaping the market launch of Ultra HD in Germany. It is concerned with the production, distribution and reception of ultra-high-definition pictures and the corresponding end devices. In particular, the Plugfest series launched in 2014 has made a significant contribution in recent years to ensuring the interoperability of UHD devices with regard to interfaces, HDR and much more. The "Ultra HD Explained" brochure is probably the most comprehensive UHD standard work on standardisation and technologies for experts and technically interested readers. For consumers, the information portal was launched in 2019. Within the scope of the work of the working group, the topics HDR and CI Plus are currently in focus.

Next session

23. Juli 2024

The working groups of Deutsche TV-Plattform are the heart of the association - the task forces are quasi the "engine room" of the working groups. This is where the members of the working group work in a focussed and targeted manner on topics which have been identified as particularly important or urgent in the course of the working group's work. The active involvement in the task forces is open to all members. 

Task Force HDR Regelbetrieb

"We develop recommendations for the best possible HDR experience for the viewer".

Stefan Kunz
Stefan Kunz, Head of Task Force HDR

The full potential of the picture quality of Ultra HD can be exploited even better with a natural and true-to-life picture reproduction through HDR. In addition to higher resolution, HDR offers a wider colour gamut, greater colour depth and an extended contrast range. However, this places special demands on the entire signal chain, from the production set on site, to signal delivery and processing, to the display on UHD TVs in viewers' living rooms.

Die Task Force hat sich zum Ziel gesetzt, Empfehlungen über die gesamte Produktions-/Verteilungskette bis zum Endgerät zu definieren, um das bestmögliche HDR Erlebnis beim Kunden zu “garantieren”. Die Task Force erstellt dazu ein White Paper in zwei Stufen. Die erste Stufe behandelt den Bereich Produktion (u.a. die Aspekte Monitoring, HDR Workflows, HDR Look, Aufzeichnungsformate) und wurde im November 2022 veröffentlicht. Die zweite Stufe wird den Aspekt Distribution beleuchten. 

Round Table CI Plus

"We are moderating the process of a possible market launch of CI Plus 2.0".

Alexa Langenbach, Leiterin des Round Tables CI Plus

From the CI Plus Task Force launched in 2019, two successful international workshops on the potential of CI Plus 2.0 were held in autumn 2020 and spring 2021, which were transferred to a CI Plus Round Table from May 2021.

The internationally staffed Round Table organised by the German TV-Platform is open to all market participants. It moderates and coordinates the discussion about a possible market launch of CI Plus 2.0 in the DACH region and also looks beyond the European horizon for orientation.

In contrast to its predecessors, the CI Plus 2.0 standard is no longer based on modules but on the USB form factor. In addition to the new hardware, many other questions are relevant for a possible changeover (e.g. migration scenarios), which will be discussed during the round table.