Deutsche TV-Plattform

Become a member

It pays to become a member! Like no other institution for media topics in Germany, Deutsche TV-Plattform brings together experts and decision-makers from all parts of the value chain, thus creating significant added value for its members and the market.

Any natural or legal person who is willing to actively support the purposes of the statutes can become a member of the association. An informal application to the office is sufficient for admission as a member. Each member appoints a delegate who represents it in the general meeting and - if applicable - exercises the right to vote. 

Benefits of membership

Regular professional exchange with all relevant market participants at expert and decision-maker level

Early information and participation in shaping new technologies and standards and their introduction in Germany

Exclusive access to specialist information in the internal web members' area

Additional presence at important fairs and congresses

Types of memberships

The statutes distinguish between full members, as well as extraordinary and supporting members. Regular members are members with A or B status. Members with A status are production and service companies, programme and content providers, broadcasting corporations (public and private) and state media authorities, network and satellite operators as well as all companies of a comparable nature whose activities can be directly attributed to the media industry and/or which are profit-oriented. Members with B-status are institutions and organisations which are not profit-oriented themselves, but which are composed of members or represent institutions which are themselves profit-oriented. This includes, for example, associations, cooperations and comparable institutions.

Extraordinary members are, for example, federal or state ministries, administrations, authorities or associations which are directly or indirectly involved with the television of the future. They have an advisory function (no voting rights) and do not pay membership fees.

Supporting members support the work and objectives of the platform through voluntary contributions and / or donations.

Get to know us

If you are interested in attending an WG meeting as a guest, please contact the office.

Deutsche TV-Plattform
c/o ZVEI
Amelia-Mary-Earhart-Straße 12
60549 Frankfurt am Main
Tel: +49 69 6302-260
Fax: +49 69 6302-361
E-Mail: mail(at)