Deutsche TV-Plattform

CE Industry Compass: Sales of TV sets to rise by 17 per cent in Q2 2024

Frankfurt am Main, 1 August  2024.

Noticeable recovery: According to the latest CE Industry Compass from ZVEI and Deutsche TV-Plattform in cooperation with GfK, sales of TV sets increased by almost 17 per cent in the second quarter of 2024 compared to the same period last year. This is primarily due to a ‘EURO effect’ caused by the purchase of new televisions in the run-up to and during the 2024 European Football Championship. After a weaker first quarter, this resulted in a slight overall increase to 2.01 million TV sets in the first half of 2024 (first half of 2023: 1.99 million). When making new purchases, consumers increasingly opted for televisions with larger screen diagonals. While the share of TV sets up to 50 inches fell by six percentage points compared to the first half of 2023, the shares of the 51 to 65 inch (+ 3 percentage points) and larger (+ 2 percentage points) segments increased slightly. The share of Ultra HD TVs increased again slightly to 79 per cent in the second quarter of the current year. In total, around 32.6 million Ultra HD televisions have been sold in Germany since the market launch. The share of UHD televisions that can display all common HDR processes climbed by four percentage points to 28 per cent in the first half of 2024 (H1 2023: 24%).

In contrast to the video market, the sales curve in the audio market showed a slight downward trend in almost all segments in the first half of the year - amplifiers, tuners and record players were the exception. There was positive momentum for the digitalisation of radio reception: the share of DAB+ radios in (stand-alone) radio devices continued to rise to 56% in the first half of 2024 (H1 2023: 52%). In view of the imminent end of analogue radio broadcasting via FM in 2032, it is generally advisable for consumers to take a long-term and sustainable approach to the purchase of new radio sets now and consistently opt for DAB+ sets. Within the radio market, stand-alone radios account for the largest share of sales overall with a share of 50 per cent.

Due to the declines in the audio segment, the market analysed in the CE Sector Compass declined slightly overall in the first half of 2024, with sales amounting to around € 2.7 billion (2023: € 2.9 billion).

Note: The consumer electronics market analysed by the CE Sector Compass comprises TV sets, TV accessories, radios, headphones, speakers and audio and sound systems. The radio segment analysed includes radio devices (i.e. stand-alone radios), radios in audio home systems, tuners, receivers and car radios for retrofitting. Radios installed in motor vehicles are not included.

All figures in the CE sector compass are based on figures from GfK Totalmarkt. Further figures on audio and TV/video can be found at and

Weitere Zahlen zu Audio und TV/Video finden Sie hier im Branchenkompass 1. Halbjahr 2024