Deutsche TV-Plattform

WG Media over IP

Dr. Niklas Brambring, Head of WG Media over IP

Die Arbeitsgruppe Media over IP befasst sich mit der Transformation der Verbreitung von Medieninhalten über hybride und konvergierende Infrastrukturen und den damit verbundenen technischen Fragestellungen. Die technischen Herausforderungen für die Verbreitung der Inhalte über IP-Infrastrukturen nehmen zu. Der Fokus liegt also auf dem „Physical Layer“ der Verbreitung und hier auf non-linearen und mobilen Formen. 

Next session

15. Mai 2024

The working groups of Deutsche TV-Plattform are the heart of the association - the task forces are quasi the "engine room" of the working groups. This is where the members of the working group work in a focussed and targeted manner on topics which have been identified as particularly important or urgent in the course of the working group's work. The active involvement in the task forces is open to all members. 

Task Force Delivery (DVB-I)

"We create clarity about the added value of DVB-I for market participants and end customers".

Peter Pogrzeba, Head of Task Force Delivery

Nach der Veröffentlichung eins White Papers zur Qualitätsmessung von Videostreaming widmet sich die Task Force Delivery aktuell dem im Jahr 2020 verabschiedeten Standard DVB-I. Der Standard DVB-I ermöglicht lineares Fernsehen und non-lineare Services über internetfähige Empfangsgeräte Die User Experience ist vergleichbar mit dem Empfang von DVB-Services über DVB-T, DVB-S oder DVB-C.

The task force is working on a topic paper which briefly describes the DVB-I standard, creates transparency for all market participants with regard to the potential, outlines the added value for the end customer, provides possible approaches and scenarios for DVB-I implementation in the German market and presents the interests and views of the market participants. It is to be published in the course of the first months of 2022.

Task nPVR

"We show the economic and ecological differences between individual and master copy".

Dr. Niklas Brambring, Leiter Task Force nPVR

nPVR stands for network Personal Video Recording. According to the current state of affairs in Germany, so-called network personal video is possible when the recording of a programme on television ordered by the user is stored as an individual copy and then also retrieved later. This means that, in case of doubt, platform operators have to store thousands of exactly identical copies of the same content and distribute them individually.

The Task Force nPVR is currently working on the preparation of a white paper to show the economic and ecological difference between the two technical possibilities (individual vs. master copy) for the realisation of nPVR.